Rx Work

Activation Radar in action

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The best defense is prevention

Challenge and strategic goal

For men, prostate cancer is a topic they prefer not to think about. Prostate examinations offer advantages for the early detection of prostate cancer. If a tumor is detected while it is still confined to the prostate, it is usually more treatable, and the chances of recovery are higher. “Deine Manndeckung” is Johnson & Johnson’s prostate cancer awareness initiative. The campaign aims to raise awareness of prostate cancer among the target group.

Jäger Health Activation Radar


Since the previously defined target group of the customer includes football fans, patient activation took place during a football match using Activation Radar.
Based on this, we developed a campaign mechanism targeting football stadiums on match days to raise awareness of prostate cancer among the highly relevant target group.

Following the motto “Offense is the best defense!” the target group is encouraged to take the initiative and go on the offensive as early as possible: to learn about the importance and process of early detection of prostate cancer.

Here, all roads lead to the communicative goal.