Working OTC

Perrigo GRANU FINK® femina

Granufink Motiv Femina

Combat Causes Instead of Alleviating Symptoms

Challenge and Strategic Goal

Millions of women of all ages know it: the bladder weakens. Instead of addressing the root cause of the problem, many women resort to symptom relief: they use pads. Especially when it comes to incontinence, addressing the root cause is not yet established even among PTAs. The goal of the GRANU FINK® femina campaign was to convince women to treat the cause, not just the symptom. GRANU FINK® femina is the only over-the-counter medication in Germany that offers plant-based relief for bladder weakness and frequent urination: a natural solution for a natural problem.

Granufink Banner Femina


Pads are not a therapy for bladder weakness! Pad plus cause: this is the formula with which a woman can regain her lightheartedness and spontaneity. The campaign for GRANU FINK® femina uses a model that appeals to the main target group of women aged 50 and over, or women in menopause. The message is clear: GRANU FINK® femina has the potential to heal rather than just alleviate symptoms. With GRANU FINK® femina, the therapeutic success is quickly noticeable: frequent urination decreases after just one week. The campaign not only underscores Granu Fink’s expertise as a brand in the bladder category but also enables expansion into the much larger incontinence market.

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Social media

Here, all roads lead to the communicative goal.