OTC Work

The no. 1 prenatal vitamins in a new lifestyle look

Elevit prenatal vitamins ad key visual

The no. 1 prenatal vitamins in a new lifestyle look

Challenge and strategic goal

Although Elevit® is the number one worldwide, it lags far behind the market leader in the German market. To create a success story in Germany as well, the brand should receive a modern, unique, and trendy appearance as well as a competitive core message – in conjunction with an innovative synchronization of all touchpoints: Almost seamlessly from sampling at gynecologists – usually the first station of the consumer journey – to the nearest Elevit pharmacy and through digital consumer channels.

Elevit prenatal vitamins key visual


The new Elevit® success formula is: Away from the sentimental romance of togetherness to the appearance of a modern, confident pregnant woman – and that together with a confident claim: Elevit®, the worldwide No. 1. A charming campaign element is the loading bar on the pregnant woman's belly, which is animated in digital moving image formats and immediately wins hearts. Only a "pregnancy world champion" can communicate in such a confident and fresh way.

Elevit® counter display
Counter display
Elevit® Sidewalk poster
Sidewalk poster
Elevit® patient brochure
Patient brochure
Elevit® digital poster with video
Digital poster with video
Elevit® e-Detailer

Here, all roads lead to the communicative goal.