OTC Work
The range that rules Cough & Cold

Cold remedies from Klosterfrau
Almost everyone knows them, countless people use them.
Seven cold remedies, real brands. However, not all healthcare professionals (HCPs) and consumers are aware that they all come from a reputable company. The enormous cross-selling potential that the Klosterfrau range offers in the indication of colds with its wide range of symptoms was not converted into an increased shopping basket by pharmacies. To finally become the category leader in the perception of the target groups, Klosterfrau wanted to launch a corresponding communication offensive.

So how do you capitalize on the high awareness of product brands like nasic®, Bronchicum®, Soledum®, etc., in terms of a range image?
If anything, not with statements that penetrate a pure sender mentality and are inspired by their own performance show. Instead, relevance and benefits for the target groups were required. What moves product advocates and users the most when it comes to the constant topic of cold symptoms? According to surveys, it is clearly the limitation of everyday life: When your nose is blocked or coughing torments, you have no head space and energy for the things you love to do. How great that Klosterfrau, with its wide range, helps against almost all common cough and cold symptoms.

The slogan "DO WHAT YOU LOVE" delivers an attractive, highly emotional promise that is lovingly visualized with a multi-picture look.
Everyone from pharmacy technicians (PTA) to family fathers can relate. As a result, Klosterfrau celebrates its competence like a true leader.